Pathways to Persistence

Launches Spring 2022

Pathways to Persistence, provides STEM engagement opportunities hosted through our digital learning platform, and in-person events connecting girls* across the country with opportunities to explore their STEM futures in ways that are accessible and flexible to fit their needs and interests. Through workshops and learning experiences, message boards and curated learning communities, Techbridge Girls is a trusted advisor, supporting the interests of girls* by connecting them with resources and role models along the way.

We want to connect with you and hear about your amazing journey.

Program Elements

Career Exploration Program

Expose girls* to a variety of career pathways through real-world experiences.

Program Specs:

STEM Professional Connections

Girls* will take part in STEM related career workshops and be matched with a STEM professional who can assist and support their STEM interest and journey.

Program Specs:

Ambassador Program

Alum will also support younger TBG participants as becoming role models for them (peer near) and leverage our programs to demonstrate their leadership and skills in STEM.

Program Specs:

Girls Together Initiative

Utilize communication and collaboration software for our youth to coalesce and lead local and regional research and gather information about youth attitudes, interests, challenges and successes in the STEM space.

Program Inquiry

Interested in bringing Techbridge Girls’ award-winning programs to your site?

This is a placeholder for the SalesForce form that will be used to collect user contact info before they can access the download. This is a single placeholder, but we may need different forms for different purposes (e.g. download sample lessons versus download publications).