- 6th to 8th grade
- In-person
ChangeMakers builds girls’* STEM joy, excitement, belonging and agency through culturally-relevant story-based learning. In this program, out of school time (OST) educators work with girls* to deliver engaging STEM through the contributions of BIPOC women who have used STEM as a tool to positively impact systems, communities and their personal lives. Girls* will conclude with a Community Impact Project showcase to present what they have created to resolve a problem in their community.
ChangeMakers offers educator training in hands-on STEM and effective practices with delivering equitable STEM education. Participants will also have access to a peer learning community to share insights and challenges as they build their capacity as equity educators.
Program Elements Include:
- 90-minute OST lessons with story based curriculum
- Community Impact Project is a team project that assesses a problem in a girl’s community and the team creates a STEM prototype for a solution
- Role models that reflect the background and experiences of BIPOC girls*
- Access to STEM events across the country (e.g. Expanding Your Horizon Conferences)
- 10 hours of online educator training in hands-on STEM, social emotional learning (SEL), and effective practices in equitable STEM education
- Access to a Professional Learning Community and national network of peers
- Coaching and technical support from seasoned Techbridge Girls staff
- Pre-kitted materials