
Inspire encourages girls to explore a wide-range of hands-on STEM activities. In this program, out of school time (OST) educators work with girls* to deliver engaging STEM and social-emotional supportive activities. Inspire offers online educator training in hands-on STEM and effective practices with delivering equitable STEM education. Participants will also have access to a peer learning community to share insights and challenges as they build their capacity as equity educators.
Inspire encourages girls* to explore a wide range of hands-on STEM activities that allows her to relate STEM concepts to the world around her.

Program Elements Include:

Techbridge Exercise - Scribble Bots

Curriculum Sample

We design best-in-class OST STEM programming that’s fun, equitable, open-ended, and inquiry based. Lessons are aligned with National Generation Science Standards (NGSS), draw on girls’* interests and lived experiences; and shows girls* that STEM can be used to creatively solve social problems in their communities.

Program Inquiry

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