Our Origin Story
It really takes a network and a village to support girls in STEM. So very early on I realized how important it was to make a career connection for the girls.
It really takes a network and a village to support girls in STEM. So very early on I realized how important it was to make a career connection for the girls.
It is with deep gratitude that we share the story of our former Chief Operating Officer, Jennifer Wei, who made incredible contributions to Techbridge Girls during her 12 years with us.
During my three and a half years as the CEO of Techbridge Girls, I’ve experienced this fearless leadership on both a personal level and an organizational level.
While working as a Program Coordinator at Techbridge Girls, Mia Shaw helped empower girls from low-income communities to pursue futures in STEM. She now shares how Techbridge Girls inspired her to pursue graduate school as she continues to lead fearlessly in shaping education, breaking down barriers, and promoting equity in STEM.
When young women hear “STEM,” Rhonda Johnson, President of AT&T California, wants them to think broadly about the possibilities.
When you lead fearlessly, it’s not that you’re actually leading without fear. It’s that you’re moving forward despite the fear.
With this #LeadFearlessly story, we honor Josetta Jones, Chief Patent and Trademark Counsel for Chevron’s Downstream-related technologies. She has generously supported Techbridge Girls and donated her time and expertise for nearly 20 years.
For first-year high school student Crystal, participating in Techbridge Girls’ Pacific Northwest after-school programming has taught her not only STEM skills, but also the importance of leadership.
We’re pleased to spotlight Consuelo Crosby — the founder of Edifice Complex, in addition to being a public speaker and podcaster — for her fearless leadership as a volunteer with Techbridge Girls for nearly 10 years and her commitment as a mentor to young women throughout her career.
In my own life, I lead fearlessly by being able to lead this STEM network and make decisions while knowing I don’t have all the answers.
1999 Harrison St, Suite 1800-9010
Oakland, CA 94612
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* Techbridge Girls (TBG) serves Black, Indigenous, and all girls of color, which includes cis girls, trans youth, gender non-conforming, and/or non-binary youth who experience(d) girlhood and economic insecurity as a part of their journey.
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